FATO Congresses
Through the organization of its congresses, FATO is intended to stimulate, promote a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation. The International Congress of FATO is an event that is a place for exchange and discussion between rehabilitation professionals to improve quality of services and to find lasting solutions to barriers that face people with disabilities to access services. The FATO Congress also aims at strengthening the unifying role of the FATO in order to consolidate rehabilitation sector and assistive technologies in Africa
All actors in rehabilitation and assistive technologies working in Africa and in the world can participate in the congress of the FATO. In Africa, FATO favours the participation of countries by multidisciplinary teams (rehabilitation professionals, policy makers, organizations of persons with disabilities, orthopaedic technologists, physical therapists, Speech Therapists, Occupational therapists, rehabilitation physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, managers, etc.), representatives of Ministries of Health, Social affairs, public and higher education, disability organizations, representatives of regional and sub regional institutions, representatives of institutional partners and donors. Guests are mainly technical and financial partners, exhibitors, professional organizations, students.